I have learned that a bitter experience can make you stronger. I now boastfully say that I have a hide like a rhinoceros... and I'm smiling. It's an interesting thing.

Mel Gibson
Some Similar Quotes
  1. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. - Tom Robbins

  2. In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you’ll never see again. - Neil Gaiman

  3. Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love - Unknown

  4. Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they're not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or--such... - Paulo Coelho

  5. Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait. - Jess C. Scott

More Quotes By Mel Gibson
  1. The vocation of each writer is to describe the world as he or she sees it anything more than that is advertising.

  2. You don't stop loving someone just because you hate them.

  3. If you never left anything or anyone there would be no room for the new. Naturally, to move on is an infidelity -- to others, to the past, to old notions of oneself. Perhaps every day should contain at least one essential infidelity or necessary...

  4. People go their whole lives wanting to be admired for their hidden qualities.

  5. But you're beautiful, and the beautiful should be given whatever they want."" Hey, what about the ugly ones?"" The ugly ones." She poked her tongue out. "It's their fault if their ugly. They're to be blamed, not pitied.

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